Calpine’s fleet of modern, efficient energy facilities are the backbone of the United States energy system. These energy centers use clean natural gas as the primary raw material to produce electricity that millions of Americans can rely on to power their homes.
Clean Natural Gas At A Glance
- Our facilities emit the fewest greenhouse gases per megawatt hour (MWh) generated among our peers because of our fleet’s fuel efficiency and advanced emissions controls.
- Calpine’s fleet of facilities is flexible, with the capability to respond quickly and reliably to help integrate intermittent renewables into the nation’s power grid.
Calpine’s flexible energy facilities are configured in a variety of ways to efficiently respond to customer needs.
Simple Cycle
Simple-cycle facilities are the most flexible and operate as quick-responding “peakers” that generate power when demand is highest.
Combined Cycle
Combined-cycle facilities integrate natural gas-fired turbines with steam turbines to improve efficiency and increase generation capacity. These facilities generate the most Megawatt hours for Calpine’s fleet.
Cogeneration facilities add another degree of efficiency by also supplying steam to nearby customers for industrial processing or heating. Calpine operates the nation’s largest fleet of cogeneration facilities (also called combined heat and power facilities).